Alkalmazott Matematikai Nap 2019

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Alkalmazott Matematikai Nap a BME Matematika Intézet szervezésében

Időpont:  2019. április 29. 16:00
Helyszín: Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem
          K épület I. emelet 150. terem

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Denis Weaire FRS
Trinity College, Dublin
On growth and form (of bubbles)
Bubbles and foams have always attracted the interest of artists, poets
and philosophers (as well as small children). Physicists are similarly
drawn to the subject, but with more precise aims - to understand the
detailed structure of crowded bubbles and their competing growth,
as well as their mechanical properties. Here we will concentrate mainly
on structure, recalling the contributions of Plateau and Kelvin in the
19th century and their echoes down to the present time.
Minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várnak a szervezők,
Domokos Gábor, G. Horváth Ákos, Károlyi György