7th conference on Engineering Surveying

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Our department organize the Conference on Engineering Surveying for the seventh time in 06.11.2021. Due to the recent conditions it was a hybrid meeting, where more than one hundred visitors participated online while almost fifty visitors were here in site also. The eleven presentations were about modern data acquisition and processing methods. The recorded presentations are now online and can be reached on the website of the conference beside some photos taken on site.

Our colleagues were involved in two presentations. Bence Takács with Dénes Kollár and István Völgyi presented their experience on pylon monitoring during test load measurements at Monostori bridge.

Szabolcs Rózsa (along with Csaba Égető, Zoltán Siki and Bence Turák) presented their work on low-cost GNSS receivers applications in real time monitoring systems, used in the building and renovation of the main rail bridge across the Danube at South of Budapest.


The Surveying and Geo-information Division of the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers awarded diploma prise for two of our students. Bence Hrutka and Christoph Mayer presented their diploma work also during the conference.

Additional informations about the conference (in Hungarian)