Árvizek hatása a folyómedrek alakjára / Impact of floods on river morphology

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A téma rövid leírása, a kidolgozandó feladat részletezése: 
Morphological changes of rivers strongly determine the possibilities of the different water uses. For instance, inadequate water depth at shallow sections in low flow regimes can decrease navigational possibilities, incision of the river bed can lower ground water levels, or sediment deposition in side branches can deteriorate the quality of habitats. Sedimentation processes on the floodplain can decrease the lateral habitat connectivity, or even increase the flood risks. The morphological development of river beds can occur on different temporal scales, as on one hand, long-term low and mean flow discharges can slowly shape the bed, but on the other hand, floods can have short but very intensive influence on the morphodynamics. During floods, the bed erosion capacity can strongly increase resulting in the temporary rearrangement of the bed morphology in the main channel. At the same time, the high sediment transport capacity during floods leads to significant suspended sediment load, which, in case of overbank flows, can reach the floodplains and be trapped there due to the locally decreasing flow velocities. On a long-term, floodplains are exposed to the continuous sedimentation, however, in a strongly varying nature, depending on several features, such as the topography, land use, density and type of vegetation, dominant sediment type, flow features, etc. 
The proposed PhD research focuses on the impact of floods on the river morphology, with a special attention on floodplain sedimentation. The main goal of the research is to gain a general understanding about the steering hydromorphological processes in floodplain sedimentation and to work out investigation tools that can quantify the morphological changes. The research will be built on two pillars: i) assessment of field data and ii) computational modeling. For the development of the assessment methods, case studies from Hungary will be chosen, preferably for large rivers, such as the Danube or the Tisza. Field data, most probably detailed topographical information, such as LIDAR data, will be collected which can provide quantitative information on the spatial and temporal behavior of sedimentation processes. In case of significant data gaps, complementary field data collection, e.g. sediment sampling will be performed at the study sites. Literature as well as the collected field data will be used to set up, parameterize and validate computational hydrodynamic and sediment transport models of different dimensions (1D-2D-3D) to study the hydromorphological processes.
A few relevant questions that should be addressed within the proposed research:
    • What are the determining features (hydrological, morphological, vegetation) in floodplain sedimentation processes?
    • How do the deposited sediments behave in the floodplain? Can it be deposited and compacted, or can it resuspend?
    • What is the role of vegetation in the sedimentation processes? 
    • Can computational models adequately simulate floodplain sedimentation?
    • How does floodplain sedimentation influence flood conveyance capacity? Does it lead to increasing flood risks?
    • How does floodplain sedimentation influence the lateral connectivity of rivers? 
A téma meghatározó irodalma: 
    1. Gilbert, J. T., & Wilcox, A. C. (2020). Sediment routing and floodplain exchange (SeRFE): A spatially explicit model of sediment balance and connectivity through river networks. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12, e2020MS002048.
    2. Hohensinner, S,. Grupe, S., Klasz, G., Payer, T. (2022) Long-term deposition of fine sediments in Vienna's Danube floodplain before and after channelization, Geomorphology, Volume 398, 2022, 108038
    3. Hupp, C.R., Schenk, E.R., Kroes, D.E., Willard, D.A., Townsend, P.A., Peet R.K. (2015) Patterns of floodplain sediment deposition along the regulated lower Roanoke River, North Carolina: Annual, decadal, centennial scales, Geomorphology, Volume 228, 2015, Pages 666-680
    4. Maaß, A.‐L., & Schüttrumpf, H. (2019) Reactivation of Floodplains in River Restorations: Long‐Term Implications on the Mobility of Floodplain Sediment Deposits. Water Resources Research, 55 
    5. Narinesingh, P., Klaassen G. J., Ludikhuize, D. (1999) Floodplain sedimentation along extended river reaches, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 37:6, 827-845
A téma hazai és nemzetközi folyóiratai: 
1. River Research and Applications
3. Water Resources Research
4. Flow measurement and Instrumentation
5. Advances in Water Resources
6. Journal of Hydraulic Research
7. Geomorphology
8. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
A témavezető utóbbi tíz évben megjelent 5 legfontosabb publikációja: 
1. M Guerrero, N Rüther, R Szupiany, S Haun, S Baranya, F Latosinski. 2016. The acoustic properties of suspended sediment in large rivers: consequences on ADCP methods applicability. Water 8 (1), 13
2. S Baranya, NRB Olsen, J Józsa. 2015. Flow analysis of a river confluence with field measurements and RANS model with nested grid approach. River research and applications 31 (1), 28-41
3. S Baranya, NRB Olsen, T Stoesser, T Sturm. 2012. Three-dimensional RANS modeling of flow around circular piers using nested grids. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 6 (4), 648-662
4. S Baranya, J Józsa. 2013. Estimation of suspended sediment concentrations with ADCP in Danube River. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 61 (3), 232-240
5. M Muste, S Baranya, R Tsubaki, D Kim, H Ho, H Tsai, D Law. 2016. Acoustic mapping velocimetry. Water Resources Research 52 (5), 4132-4150
A témavezető fenti folyóiratokban megjelent 5 közleménye: 
1. S Baranya, NRB Olsen, J Józsa. 2015. Flow analysis of a river confluence with field measurements and RANS model with nested grid approach. River research and applications 31 (1), 28-41
2. M Guerrero, N Rüther, R Szupiany, S Haun, S Baranya, F Latosinski. 2016. The acoustic properties of suspended sediment in large rivers: consequences on ADCP methods applicability. Water 8 (1), 13
3. M Muste, S Baranya, R Tsubaki, D Kim, H Ho, H Tsai, D Law. 2016. Acoustic mapping velocimetry. Water Resources Research 52 (5), 4132-4150
4. S Haun, N Rüther, S Baranya, M Guerrero. 2015. Comparison of real time suspended sediment transport measurements in river environment by LISST instruments in stationary and moving operation mode. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 41, 10-17
5. M Guerrero, N Rüther, S Haun, S Baranya. 2017. A combined use of acoustic and optical devices to investigate suspended sediment in rivers. Advances in Water Resources 102, 1-12

A témavezető eddigi doktoranduszai

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